
Showing posts from October, 2021

Storytime Teaparty!

 I enjoyed a berry herbal tea, Read a story about Lion King and watched a short story about Alice in wonderland at The Mad Hatterz Tea Party! 

Life skills

 I’m having a teddy bears picnic Love being surrounded by all these bears

Rock Painting

 I am showing my creative side this morning. I am painting some rocks. We are going to hide them at different parks and reserves, and we are going to look for new ones.

Computors and music

 Hey I'm watching videos of my favourite disney characters  and listening to the music on the big speaker

Girls group

 Today in girls group I enjoyed putting make up onto some ladies. I helped choose the colours and was fascinated at watching the lipstick and hair glitter being applied. I smiled at them once they had their make overs finished. 

At bit of Creativity

 I am feeling a bit creative this morning. I am helping to draw different shapes and patterns on a background with different textures and colors.

Life skills

 I throughly enjoyed learning to sew a button in life skills